Christmas campaign 2019: 30,000 euros bring four lakes back to life

Thank you for your vote - you have decided: This year the coordination between the three aid projects was particularly thrilling – there was a neck-and-neck race right up to the end. So we were all the more excited about the final result.


55,000 for the global South
With almost 44 % of the votes BORDA e.V. receives the largest donation of 30.000 Euro for the regeneration of four lakes in India. With only a few votes among them, Ingenieure ohne Grenzen e.V. receives 15,000 Euros for the rehabilitation of a health centre in Uganda. Our third project partner Viva con agua e.V. thus receives 10,000 Euros for drinking water supply and hygiene training in two provinces in Mozambique.


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We congratulate all three organisations on this result and wish them every success with their social projects. We will of course be accompanying them and are looking forward to reporting on the progress of the projects here and on our Facebook page.